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PMAN 2nd VP, Zakky Azzay calls for more collaboration between sports and entertainment

Posted : 13 April 2024

The 2nd Vice President of the Performing Musicians Association of Nigeria (PMAN), Zakky Azzay, has called for more collaborative shows and concerts between two of Nigeria's biggest industries: sports and entertainment.

The ace musician, Zakky Azzay, made the call in an exclusive interview on the sidelines of the press briefing for the 2024 Eko Celebrity Global Fight Concert.

The event, which according to the organizers, is designed to give underprivileged entertainers and sportsmen a platform to showcase their innate talents, was unveiled at a press briefing held at Kingscelia Hotel and Event Centre on Jibowu Street, Lagos.

According to the organizers, the show will target more upcoming artists with the aim of providing them with the necessary platforms to reach potential investors invited from around the world.

The 2024 Eko Celebrity Global Fight Concert, also termed as one of the "Biggest gatherings of Stars," had an array of stars in attendance such as Nigerian-born two-time women's World Champion in Kickboxing, Loveth Ekufu, aka "Nigeria Terminator," Zakky Azzay, and other thespian actors.

Azzay stated that Nigeria now has one of the biggest exports of personnel in the sports and entertainment industry across the world, hence it is an opportunity to explore more.

"Our sportsmen and entertainers across the world are among the best grossing several millions of dollars. The two industries, sports and entertainment, are now the biggest employers in the current labor market. If we look at the entire value chain, we will see that it has a lot to offer for the economy if properly harnessed.

"We can't rule out the fact that we are on top of the world when it comes to Afro hip hop with the biggest Stars all around and also the same with sports, in athletics, combat sports, and football.

"Knowing how much this will help the economy to grow, we should work more on partnerships and collaborations, holding shows together, both sports and entertainment," he said.

Azzay also said that with more support for sports and entertainment, many youths would be gainfully employed.

"While some investment takes time to yield dividends, entertainment is almost an instant thing; once the people like what you are doing, they buy into it and you cash out.

"I am certain that this is the same with sports as well because it has a large crowd appeal; just take a look at the numbers of people watching football across the world, it's crazy.

"If we can now combine the sports fans and entertainment lovers under one event, the result will be a boom, so that is why I am calling for more shows that have sports appeal and vice versa.

"I believe that the 2024 Eko Celebrity Global Fight Concert would be a huge success, given its credibility and the efforts put into the organization," he said.

One of the main organizers, Loveth Ekufu, aka (Nigeria Terminator), two-time women's World Champion in Kickboxing, said one of her reasons for staging the "Gathering of Stars" was a model copied from America.

"One of the things that motivate me to embark on this journey is the model at which sports and entertainment are being run in the United States of America.

"One of my mentors is an American wrestler, Mr. Rock, who after his role in the entertainment industry, will return to his gym and continue as a wrestler.

"This is a great initiative from Mr. Rock because he has been able to pull crowds from sports to entertainment through his mastery of both industries.

"After seeing Mr. Rock's success, I said to myself that such can also happen in Nigeria, and this 2024 Eko Celebrity Global Fight Concert is a dream come true.

Ekufu, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), who is the first Nigerian and African to be crowned world champions in women's kickboxing, also restated that the concert would give lots of budding talents in Nigeria a platform to showcase their talents.

"The registration for this event is free; we just want to encourage those who have no one to help them grow their talents to come and get the needed platform.

"We are expecting the top stars in the entertainment and sports industry in attendance, so this is a good opportunity for our youths.

"The age for participants starts from 18 years and above, and it is open to all without discrimination," she said.

Activities lined up for the 3-day event include the face of celebrity global beauty pageant, live music and entertainment, international celebrity boxing/wrestling entertainment fights, and amateur combat sports display.

Others are celebrity global fashion show model, live comedy, and celebrity global fine art talent fair.


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