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Rangers Int'l proposes early preparations for 2024/2025 CAF Champions League

Posted : 18 June 2024

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Rangers International, the newly crowned champions of the 2023/2024 Nigeria Premier Football League (NPFL), have wasted no time in initiating their preparations for the upcoming 2024/2025 CAF Champions League campaign. Their triumph was sealed on Sunday, June 16, 2024, with a decisive 2-0 victory over Bendel Insurance at a packed Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, securing their 8th league title with a match to spare in the season.

Under the guidance of head coach Fidelis Ilechukwu, Rangers International will proudly represent Nigeria in the prestigious CAF Champions League next season. The club's official Twitter handle recently announced a strategic Technical and Scouting meeting held at their corporate office's boardroom, signaling the commencement of plans and preparations aimed at excelling in continental football.

The meeting likely focused on assessing the team's current strengths and weaknesses, strategizing recruitment plans, and scouting potential opponents in the CAF Champions League. Such meticulous planning underscores Rangers International's commitment to achieving success on the African stage and continuing their legacy as one of Nigeria's most formidable football clubs.

As the NPFL season draws to a close, the final round of matches scheduled for Sunday will determine the last two teams to join Rangers International in representing Nigeria at continental competitions. The outcome of these matches, alongside the President Federation Cup final, promises to be decisive in shaping the landscape of Nigerian football for the upcoming season.

Rangers International's early preparations reflect their proactive approach and determination to build on their domestic success in the international arena. Their participation in the CAF Champions League not only signifies their ambition but also serves as a platform to showcase Nigerian football talent and compete against Africa's finest clubs.

The anticipation among fans is palpable as Rangers International gears up for their CAF Champions League campaign, aiming to make significant strides and uphold their reputation as champions. With meticulous planning, strategic recruitment, and unwavering dedication, the Flying Antelopes are poised to deliver memorable performances and vie for continental glory, representing both their club and Nigerian football with pride and distinction.


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