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Controversy trails Super Falcon's World Cup bonuses

Posted : 23 November 2023
Controversy is surrounding the disbursement of the Women's World Cup largesse being remitted to the players, the country's representatives, Nigeria's Super Falcons, for the 2023 mundial in Australia and New Zealand, as they have started receiving their appearance bonuses.

FIFA had announced before the commencement of the World Cup that each player participating in the Mundial would receive $30,000 for group matches and more as they progress in the competition.

The Nigerian side is entitled to $60,000 because they lost out in the second round of the tournament to England.

The football body has begun paying the money, but to the surprise of the players, they received $40,500 instead of the proposed $60,000.

FIFA has finally clarified why the money dropped to $40,500.

Players whose teams were based in Australia for the duration of the tournament are receiving just over two-thirds of the match fees, with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) imposing a 32.5% withholding tax.

The imposition of this tax was an integral part of the hosting agreement that FIFA agreed with the Australian government.

The tax imposition implies that Nigeria’s players, who reached the last 16, narrowly losing to England, earned $60,000 each but only received $40,500 after the ATO’s deductions.

In contrast, all teams that played their group and knockout matches in New Zealand had no deductions from their match fees. They were given tax-free status by New Zealand’s Internal Revenue Department.


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