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Paris 2024: Boxing Champ eyes podium finish

Posted : 25 June 2024

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Cynthia Ogunsemilore, one of Nigeria’s standout female boxers, is among those who have secured an Olympic ticket and are set to represent the nation at the upcoming Olympics.

Speaking from the Ilaje Resorts training camp for the Paris 2024 Olympics, the vibrant and confident Ogunsemilore expressed her determination to perform excellently and return with a gold medal.

Reflecting on her unexpected journey into boxing, Ogunsemilore revealed that she initially had no interest in the sport. Her entry into boxing was encouraged by a family friend who saw potential in her. Over time, she developed a deep passion for boxing, especially after meeting other female boxers.

Ogunsemilore credits her physical attributes, particularly her height, and her ability to effectively use her range and follow her coach’s instructions for her confidence in the ring. She has already demonstrated her prowess by winning a crucial fight against a Zambian opponent at the African Games, securing her an Olympic ticket.

Her confidence was evident as she recounted how she felt victorious even before the match began due to her height advantage.

"Well, the fight that gave me the ticket was against a girl from Zambia. Sorry, I forgot her name. She’s from Zambia. Upon seeing her, I felt I had already won because I’m taller than her. That’s one thing about me. If I meet any opponent and I'm taller than them, I just feel like they are already defeated, that I’m going to knock them out. So she was just trying to prove some stubbornness. I let her know that we are not equals. We met in the ring to box each other. I showed her that I’m a senior. That’s when I got my ticket,” Cynthia recounted.

Training alongside other determined athletes, Ogunsemilore has been focusing on honing her skills and preparing for the challenges ahead. Despite potentially facing taller and stronger opponents at the global level, she remains undeterred and is determined to bring home a gold medal, aiming to surpass her previous achievements, including a bronze medal at the World Games.

“Yes, I’m fully ready for them because… Most people I train with will say, ‘We are not going to the African Games, we are not going to this world stage,’ just like the way I went to the World Games, where I won a bronze medal. But this time I’m coming back with gold.”

Her journey has not been without challenges, particularly the lack of adequate support and sponsorship for boxers in Nigeria. Ogunsemilore emphasized the need for more governmental and private support to nurture and discover talented boxers who currently train under less-than-ideal conditions.

If not for boxing, Ogunsemilore would have pursued a career as a hairdresser, having already trained in the profession. However, her love for boxing has made her put other ambitions on hold, focusing entirely on her sport.

A fan of Seyi Shay, Ogunsemilore finds motivation and solace in music, which helps her maintain focus and determination. Her ultimate goal is to make her family, coaches, and country proud by excelling at the Olympics.

“I’m very sure that everybody in my country is happy about me, proud of me. So, the only thing that would make them even happier is for me to go there and get my gold. They’ll be calling my name all over the world. I’m the two-time African champion in my weight category, so I’ll be like a world champion. I’m going there to strike them. I’m going with fire,” she said brimming with determination.

As Cynthia Ogunsemilore prepares for the biggest stage in sports, she calls on Nigerians to continue supporting their athletes, believing that with the right backing, they can achieve remarkable success on the global stage.


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